Nothing Greens Greener this Spring, May Birthstone



Hello from Allison Alane,

Spring is here in New York City and with it the season of new growth, new beginnings and my favorite birthstone! The emerald in all it’s glowing green glory has arrived! This May birthstone’s lush green has soothed souls and excited imaginations since antiquity - including Queen Cleopatra. So May darlings, know you are in illustrious company and your taste is unrivaled.


Secret Story

Emerald is the bluish green to green variety of beryl, a mineral species that also includes aquamarine. To be considered an emerald, it’s all about color. Roman author Pliny the Elder wrote that “nothing greens greener” than this May birthstone.




Did you know that you can customize any design you see on Allison Alane? See a design you love but have a passion for a different stone? Reach out to us through our customization page and we’ll create a one-of-a-kind piece just for you based on your unique style!


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Allison Teague